The Lodge of the Four Winds is a place for learning and includes texts on a number of subjects of interest to Native and Natural peoples, including resources for hands-on exploration and opportunities for face-to-face exchange.
Links of Interest
Native American Businesses
Support Native American and Indigenous Businesses!
Ten Thousand Villages
From the website: ``Ten Thousand Villages provides vital, fair income to Third World people by marketing their handicrafts and telling their stories in North America ... Ten Thousand Villages operates as a non-profit business with a compassionate mission by maintaining integrity in our actions and relationships."
Check out this website for a store near you. (In Albany, NY: Stuyvesant Plaza, 1475 Western Ave.) Buy Indigenous.
Southwest Indian Foundation
The Southwest Indian Foundation sells ``crafted Indian jewelry, pottery, kachina dolls, and other Native American related gifts such as books, music, shirts, and videos," most of which is made by Southwest native peoples, including ``the Navajo tribe and the pueblo tribes of the Zuni, Laguna, Acoma, and Hopi."
- Native Voices
Native Voices sells books by Native American authors and illustrators, from tribes such as the Blackfoot, Cherokee, Mohawk, Suquamish, Yaqui, and others.
White Earth Land Recovery Project & Native Harvest
Native Harvest produces and sells traditional foods, to support sustainable income for Anishinaabeg tribal members on the White Earth Reservation. Also on the website is the White Earth Land Recovery Project- a project to ``reclaim the land of White Earth Reservation which was stolen from us through unethical tax foreclosures, treaty abrogations and property thefts in the 1800's and early 1900's, and whose ecosystems are continually degraded by corporate farming and logging in our region."
Other Businesses
- Journeys into American Indian Territory
Educational travel programs that "promote building bridges of understanding between the worlds of Native Americans and non-Native people".
Enjoy and experience the Hudson River!
Private island camping on the Hudson. Small boat / canoe access only. Launch Bethlehem Town Park. Contact / 518-477-6618.
Non-profit Organizations
- American Indian College Fund
The American Indian College Fund, through scholarships and support of tribally controlled colleges, works to better the lives of Native American individuals and communities.
- Berkshire Bird Paradise Sanctuary
Berkshire Bird Paradise Sanctuary is a non-profit bird sanctuary, located in Grafton, NY. Besides caring for disabled and injured birds, the sanctuary also works to educate the public on "the beauty of Nature's world which surrounds our busy lives".
- Wilderness Awareness School
A national not-for-profit organization, Wilderness Awareness School works to educate youth and adults alike through mentoring programs as well as home-study naturalist training courses.
- Fenimore Art Museum
The Fenimore Art Museum, located in Cooperstown, New York, contains collections of American Folk Art and American Indian Art.
- Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center
The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center is the "world's largest and most comprehensive Native American museum and research center".
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