This section will be concerned first with the specific and the local- in this case, Mohican Country- portions of the natural world and with time this section will expand to the regional level, then to the global. All One Earth. All One People.
Links of Interest
Links of interest for those who wish to learn more about the natural world.
- The Hudson River Almanac
The Hudson Almanac is a week-by-week account of Natural phenomena along the Mohicanuk (Hudson) River Valley, original territory of the Mohican Indians (upstream) and the Munsee-Delaware (downstream, including Manhattan).
A central element of truly being a part of where one lives is Knowing the Land by keeping track of its natural activities not only day to day but throughout the year. When one has a sense of the yearly cycle of Nature, one can consider oneself "at home". The Hudson Almanac is a way of knowing what goes on in Mohican/Munsee land.
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